Organic Detox

Organic Detox


Detox your system with this pleasant-tasting tea. Contains: burdock, dandelion root, liquorice, nettle leaf, St. Mary's thistle, lemon peel, lemon verbena, red clover, calendula petals and rhubarb root. 

Detoxing is never nearly as much fun as the circumstances that lead to needing to detox in the first place. But that doesn’t mean the process needs to be painful – and this pleasant-tasting tea will make it a breeze. Organic Detox contains everything you need to feel sprightly again, including: burdock, dandelion root, liquorice, nettle leaf, St. Mary’s thistle, lemon peel, lemon verbena, red clover, calendula petals, and rhubarb root.

Origin: Egypt 


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